Simplest Way To Understand Guitar Barre/Bar Chords [with printable infographics]

Simplest Way To Understand Guitar Barre/Bar Chords [with printable infographics]

   Bar chords are the biggest nightmare of every guitar beginner. It's because of less practice or maybe the wrong way to play them. But in reality, they are easy then open chords because of their same shapes. If we going down in the fretboard then in the same shape we will get all chords.
 I'm posting an infographic in which I try to help every guitar beginner like me. I'm posting the picture in its original size and I strongly suggest everyone take a printout of the infographic and attach it to their room. 
 If you find any problem in understanding the infographic please check my guitar theory and chords lesson post. Here's the link for that lesson - Guitar Chords and Theory in Simple.
 Here's the infographic -

Download Link To the Original Printable File: Download Here[safe link]

keep practicing. Never give up.
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